A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Work

Louis Alexandre Bailly
Translated text:
Mystères des vieux chateaux de France ou amours secrètes des rois et des reines des princes et princesses, ainsi que des grands personnages du temps. Paris: Oct. 1846-Feb. 1848.

Penny Publication

William Thomas Haley
348 p.
Two different issues:
A. B. Le Francois (pseud.). Mysteries of the Old Castles of France, or secret intrigues of the Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, and other great personages of the times.
London: W. Strange and E. Dipple. 44 nos.Andrews, ANU, Auckland, Birmingham, BL, Bodley, CSL, CUL, Edinburgh, Leeds, SFPL, Springhill, Temple, UC, UCLA, UNL, UTTyler, WMich
A. B. Le Francois (pseud.). Mysteries of the Old Castles of France, or secret intrigues of the Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, and other great personages of the times.
London: Henry Lea.SLNSW
Indexed in:
Summers (p. 434), Block (p. 13)