A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Publisher

George Berger (1796-1868)

Kirkpatrick, Robert J. “George Berger and his Sons 1796-1868Yesterday's Papers (August 1, 2014)

Bought plates from:
George Peirce
M. G. Lewis. The Bravo of Venice: a romance.
London: G. Berger, 1839. 5 nos. 80 p.
R. Bedingfield , Esq. The Miser's Son: a tale.
London: R. Thompson, Strange and Berger, [1844]. 610 p.
R. Bedingfield , esq. The Peer and the Blacksmith. A tale.
London: R. Thompson, Strange and Berger, [1844]. 50 nos. 588 p.
Paul Eaton. Stuart Sharpe. A romance.
London: G. Berger, 1839. 5 nos. 78 p.
Tales of Chivalry; or, perils by flood and field. Vol. 1.
London: G. Berger. 53 nos. 424 p.
Tales of Chivalry; or, perils by flood and field. Vol. 2.
London: G. Berger. 52 nos. 416 p.
R. J. Stapleton. Tales of the Wars, or, naval and military chronicle: consisting of faithful accounts of sea and land battles, interspersed with anecdotes and biographical notices of the most distinguished naval and military commanders. Vol. 1.
London: G. Berger. 53 nos. 424 p.
R. J. Stapleton. Tales of the Wars, or, naval and military chronicle: consisting of faithful accounts of sea and land battles, interspersed with anecdotes and biographical notices of the most distinguished naval and military commanders. Vol. 2.
London: G. Berger. 52 nos. 416 p.
R. J. Stapleton. Tales of the Wars, or, naval and military chronicle: consisting of faithful accounts of sea and land battles, interspersed with anecdotes and biographical notices of the most distinguished naval and military commanders. Vol. 3.
London: G. Berger. 52 nos. 416 p.