A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Library

Syracuse University Library

Syracuse, New York, United States

London Journal (London).
George W. M. Reynolds. Agnes; or, beauty and pleasure. Vol. 1.
London: John Dicks, 1857. 52 nos. 415 p.
George W. M. Reynolds. Agnes; or, beauty and pleasure. Vol. 2.
London: John Dicks, 1858. 52 nos. 435 p.
George W. M. Reynolds. The Days of Hogarth; or, the mysteries of old London.
London: John Dicks, 1850. 31 nos. 248 p.
George W. M. Reynolds. Kenneth: a romance of the Highlands.
London: John Dicks, 1856. 47 nos. 376 p.
George W. M. Reynolds. Leila, or, the star of Mingrelia.
London: John Dicks. 25 nos. 200 p.
The Soldier's Wife.
London: , 1853. 206 p.
George W. M. Reynolds. Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf. A romance.
London: J. Dicks, 1857. 24 nos. 192 p.