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A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860
About the Library
McGill Library
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Periodical:
- London Journal (London).
- Editions:
- The Complete Works of Shakespeare; revised from the original text. With introductory remarks and copious notes, critical, general, and explanatory. Vol. 1.
London: Willoughby & Co. 674 p.
- The Complete Works of Shakespeare; revised from the original text. With introductory remarks and copious notes, critical, general, and explanatory. Vol. 2.
London: Willoughby & Co. 636 p.
- Turpin's Famous Ride to York.
London: G. Purkess. 8 nos. 58 p.
- Pierce Egan the younger. Harry Racket Scapegrace, the spoiled child. A tale for the wilful.
London: W. Barth. 102 p.
- M. Eugene Sue. The Mysteries of Paris.
"Roscoe's library edition". London: E. Appleyard, 1845. 32 nos. 522 p.
- Pierce Egan the younger. Quintin Matsys, the blacksmith of Antwerp, an historical romance.
London: W. Barth. 298 p.
- The Wars of Europe; or, annals of military and naval warfare. Vol. 1.
London: James Pattie, 1838. 52 nos. 417 p.
- The Wars of Europe; or, annals of military and naval warfare. Vol. 2.
London: James Pattie, 1839. 54 nos. 444 p.
- The Wars of Europe; or, annals of military and naval warfare. Vol. 3.
London: James Pattie. 322 p.