A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Publisher

C. H. Wall
Frederick Hextall
113 Strand
113 A Strand
The Indian Chief. A romance of the forest.
London: Hextall and Wall, 1843. 19 nos. 312 p.
Trysail (pseud.). The Pirate's Doom; or, a midshipman's first voyage.
London: Hextall and Wall, 1843. 17 nos. 284 p.
The Red Cross Warrior; or, the spirit of the night. A romance of the eleventh century.
London: [Hextall and Wall], 1843. 12 nos. 190 p.
Robin Hood and Little John; or, the merry men of Sherwood forest.
London: Hextall and Wall, 1843. 41 nos. 474 p.
Thomas Archer , Esq. Roderick Dhu, Clan-Alpine's Chief; or, the Scottish outlaw. A romance.
London: Hextall and Wall, 1843. 32 nos. 476 p.
The Story Teller.
London: Hextall & Wall. 21 nos. 166 p.
The Witches' Cliff, or, the fatal gulf.
London: Hextall & Wall. 10 nos. 81 p.