A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Work

Eugène Sue (1804-1857)
Translated text:
"Les Sept Péchés capitaux". Le Constitutionnel (Paris), Nov. 1847-April 1849.

See also The Seven Capital Sins.

All translations should be considered distinct unless otherwise stated.

Penny Publications

John Taylor Sinnett (1807-1880)
Periodical serializations:
Eugene Sue. "The Seven Cardinal Sins".
London Journal (London): nos. 144-220.British Periodicals Adelaide, Arizona, Auckland, BC, BL, BNE, BNF, BYU, Calgary, Carleton, Chicago, Cincinnati, CUL, Emory, Guildhall, HRC, Illinois, IndState, Lakehead, Manchester, McGill, Meredith, Monash, NAL, Newberry, NLNZ, NLS, NLSA, PennState, RUG, SC, SDSU, SLPL, Syr, TAMU, UBA, UH, UIowa, UMND, UNSW, UWA, UWO, Vanderbilt, Virginia, VUW, Yale

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.

Eugene Sue. "The Seven Cardinal Sins".
The Family Herald (London): nos. 240-313.Auckland, BC, Berkeley, BL, Bodley, Chicago, CUL, Duke, ETSU, Exeter, FSU, Harvard, Leicester, Manchester, Newberry, Nottingham, NYPL, OIT, OSU, SBB, SudburyHall, TPL, UCLA, UMN

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.

Indexed in:
King (p. 18)